Insurance Defense Lawyers in New York

At Rosenbaum & Taylor, we specialize in insurance defense. Our professionalism, competence, and previous experience make us an excellent choice for handling legal work in this field. Our insurance defense lawyers in New York have represented insurance companies and their clients at both the local and national levels, assisting them with a variety of first and third-party claims. Many of our clients are in the professional liability and casualty insurance fields. Along with helping insurance companies directly, we also represent third-party administrators.

Our previous experience working with insurance companies has given our lawyers the knowledge and competence necessary to handle legal tasks in many other fields. We are qualified to represent individuals and businesses in the fields of manufacturing, trucking, construction, retail sales, public or private utilities, security, food service, and more. We work directly with homeowners, as well, providing them with the guidance and representation that they need. Our NY business lawyers have handled cases involving defense obligations and indemnity in the past, as well.

What Types of Insurance Claims do Attorneys Handle?

At Rosenbaum & Taylor, we make our clients our top priority, ensuring that all of their needs are met from a legal standpoint. Our attorneys not only have a deep understanding of the law but also are experienced and well-informed when it comes to following proper procedural steps with the cases that they handle.

In the past, our legal experts have handled cases involving complicated litigation for insurance companies that we represented. These cases were often multipronged, involving a variety of insurance-related issues. Some of the legal topics that our NY business litigation lawyers have effectively dealt with in the past include:

  • Environmental impairment and pollution claims
  • Professional liability claims involving architects and engineers
  • Professional liability claims involving insurance brokers or real estate brokers
  • Residential, commercial, or public construction defect claims
  • Product liability claims
  • Claims involving employment practices
  • Claims against officers and directors
  • Bodily injury or wrongful death claims
  • First-party property claims
  • General liability litigation
  • Liquor law liability claims
  • Construction site accident claims – particularly when New York State labor laws were violated
  • Motor vehicle claims

Insurance companies deal with many unique challenges every day, as do the people and businesses that they insure. Our experienced attorneys examine each case individually to determine whether the client requires long-term assistance or just needs help with one particular issue. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that our clients have a legal strategy that works well for their needs, no matter what those needs are at any given moment.

An attorney reviewing an insurance form with a client.

Our insurance defense lawyers commonly address legal issues such as:

  • Professional liability claims
  • Cases that include officers or directors
  • Insurance fraud and arson defense cases
  • Asbestos claims
  • Premise liability claims
  • Issues related to liquor law liability
  • General insurance issues
  • Construction site accidents involving violations of New York State labor laws
  • Toxic tort cases
  • Product liability cases
  • Motor vehicle-related cases

At Rosenbaum & Taylor, we have successfully defended insurance companies in cases involving fiduciary responsibility, umbrella, excess, party policies, and general liability. Thanks to our extensive experience handling issues like these, we have the skill necessary to help our clients deal with insurance defense issues early on in the litigation process, which can save both time and money.

Do Insurance Policyholders Need Help From Lawyers?

Lawsuits are sometimes filed against insurance policyholders. For example, if a policyholder is involved in an auto accident, the driver of the other vehicle or their insurance provider may file a lawsuit seeking compensation if they believe the policyholder was at fault. Lawsuits like these can include damages related to personal property or physical injuries sustained in the accident. With these cases, insurance defense lawyers are commonly brought on board by the insurance company to provide representation for the policyholder.

When represented by a qualified defense attorney specializing in insurance-related matters, policyholders typically are able to pay less for any damages. The right attorney can successfully negotiate a better settlement, helping to minimize the financial impact for the insurance company and their client.

The lawyers at Rosenbaum & Taylor have helped many New York policyholders mount successful legal defenses in cases like these. Over the years, our lawyers have developed solid legal practices that get excellent results. This information is shared openly with other team members, ensuring that every person dealing with the case has the knowledge and information necessary to successfully help every client.

How Can A Lawyer Help Insurance Providers?

Insurance companies often work with attorneys as a way of protecting their interests. As an example, an insurance company might hire a defense attorney to modify their existing policies or to create new policies that comply with current regulations. Regulations in the insurance industry usually are governed by laws at the state level. National insurers who are planning on doing business in a particular state do best when they hire an attorney who knows the specific laws of that state regarding insurance. With the help of their attorney, they can be sure that all of their practices comply with the state’s regulations.

Sometimes, policyholders will file a case against an insurance company, stating that their claim was wrongfully denied. Claims like these are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with the attorneys carefully parsing the language of the insurance policy, local regulations, and other information to determine whether or not the claim is valid.

With the help of a knowledgeable defense attorney, insurance companies can minimize the number of fraudulent or false claims. Located in Norristown, our knowledgeable attorneys can help insurers with many legal or administrative tasks. The team specifically tasked with handling insurance fraud claims has a history of providing top-quality representation to insurers, helping our clients get the best outcome in each case.

At Rosenbaum & Taylor, our attorneys have aggressively, proactively, and efficiently disposed of cases. Our knowledgeable, trustworthy counsel and our skill in the courtroom are both highly valued by our clients.

For any legal issues involving insurance defense law, reach out to us today for advice or assistance.

Do I Need Liability Insurance?

At the most basic level, insurance provides a way for people to get compensated if their home, vehicle, or other insured property experiences certain types of damage. When you look a little deeper, however, the majority of insurance policies for homes and properties include a liability insurance clause. This clause provides coverage for the policyholder if someone files a claim against them after an accident. Typically, the liability insurance clause will include money to hire legal counsel as well as money to cover the settlement amount or any amount awarded by the court if the case goes to trial.

A liability insurance form on a desk.

The term “policy limit” refers to the maximum amount that the insurer will pay out in cases that qualify under the legal terms of the policy. Any damages exceeding this amount are usually not covered by the insurance provider.

Policyholders also have the option to purchase excess insurance coverage. Personal liability umbrella policies are one common type of excess insurance. Umbrella policies like these provide additional coverage beyond the policy limit for the insured property or vehicle.

What Steps Should You Take If Someone Sues You After An Accident?

Assuming that your property or vehicle was covered by insurance, the first step after an accident is to contact your insurance provider. Even if you aren’t going to file a claim, let them know that the accident occurred. When you contact them, they will request some standard information including how and where the accident took place. If any claims are filed related to the accident, the information you provide will be used to guide their investigation. Investigating accidents independently helps them put together an effective defense if someone sues you over the accident.

If you are insured, you should send any legal documents related to a lawsuit to the insurance provider or your insurance agent as soon as you receive them. If you aren’t sure whether or not the specific claim is covered by your insurance policy, contact your insurance agent or a lawyer. As an example, some homeowner’s insurance plans provide coverage for accidents that occur away from the property. It is essential that you don’t just ignore the lawsuit and hope that it goes away. Anytime you are served with legal documents, taking action right away is important.

According to the Rules of Court, your response to the lawsuit has to be filed before a certain amount of time elapses. You can either file the response yourself or a representative that you choose can file on your behalf. If you don’t respond in time, a default judgment may be entered against you by the court, which could leave you on the hook financially for the amount of the judgment. If you try to ignore the suit, you could also put your insurance coverage at risk.

What Is A Plaintiff?

In the legal world, the term plaintiff is used to describe a person, business, organization, or other entity that sues another party so that the court will grant them some type of relief. In most accident-related lawsuits, plaintiffs are seeking compensation for damages caused by the accident. This can include property damage, such as damage to their vehicle. It also can include money for medical expenses for injuries resulting from the accident. If the person was forced to miss work due to their injuries, they may also sue for any wages that they lost during the time that they were out of work.

Depending on the seriousness of the accident and the underlying cause, plaintiffs are also sometimes awarded noneconomic damages by the court. This can include pain and suffering, permanent disability, or impairment. If they lost their ability to enjoy life like they did before the accident, they may also be awarded damages for the loss of enjoyment. Damages like these are referred to as compensatory damages. In essence, they are designed to compensate accident victims for any damages that they incurred as a result of an accident.

In some accidents, punitive damages may also be awarded by the court. As you may have guessed by the name, punitive damages are meant to punish the person or party who caused the accident. Damages like these are not designed to compensate victims for actual losses. Instead, they are meant to keep the responsible party from behaving the same way in the future. The idea is to punish them for their irresponsible or negligent behavior so that they are less likely to cause similar accidents at a later date. Punitive damages are usually only awarded in cases where the person or entity at fault in the accident was behaving negligently or irresponsibly.

Contact the Insurance Defense Lawyers New York at Rosenbaum & Taylor.

Punitive damages are commonly awarded in cases involving driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If someone chooses to drive drunk even when they know they are impaired or other people have tried to stop them, they may be punished for their irresponsible behavior through the use of punitive damages. Damages like these are not covered by liability insurance.

The term “plaintiff” is used to describe a person or a business, group, or organization that sues another party in an attempt to recover damages.

What Is A Defendant?

When a lawsuit is filed against an individual or an entity, that party is referred to as the defendant. In essence, the term “defendant” is used to describe the party or person who is being sued by the plaintiff. To initiate a lawsuit, the plaintiff files a Complaint, which is a specific type of legal document, against one or more defendants. The lawsuit gets underway after the defendant files a legal document referred to as the Answer.

The Complaint is a legal document filed by the plaintiff that includes all of the claims that they are making in the case. The Answer, on the other hand, is a response to the Complaint that is filed by the defendant, responding to the various claims that the plaintiff is making.

Call Our Insurance Defense Lawyers in New York Now!

We have multiple lawyers on our team, all of whom have previous experience dealing with insurance claims at various levels of litigation. We can handle every phase of the process, from dealing with the initial dispute resolution to taking the case to trial. If a case is appealed at the state or federal level, we are also qualified to help. Insurance companies often face complicated or difficult situations when it comes to providing coverage to clients. In the past, our New York business law firm has represented insurance companies like these, helping them get positive outcomes in difficult or novel cases.

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