What Counts as a Breach of Contract in New York?

Contracts are only as effective as the extent to which the parties abide by their agreed-upon duties. When a party decides to breach the contract, the non-breaching party may have various legal remedies available. These are important to understand if you conduct business in New York. As you increase the number of contractual relationships your […]
Tips for Successfully Negotiating a Business Contract

You and another party have agreed in principle to a deal. Now begins the hard work of reducing that agreement to a written business contract. The most well-drafted contracts will clearly explain the rights and obligations of all parties. But how the terms of that contract will ultimately look will depend on how well you […]
What Is Tortious Interference With Contract in New York?

Contracts are key to reliable, profitable business relationships and indeed the economy as a whole. Without contracts, little business would get done because nobody would trust anyone else to keep their promises. Because of how critical contracts are to the business world, the law goes to great lengths to protect them. One way this is […]
What Makes a Contract Not Enforceable in New York?

Contracts are essential to good business. They help ensure that parties to an agreement carry out the promises they’ve made. But just because a document is called a contract doesn’t mean the courts will enforce it. Some agreements don’t meet the necessary legal criteria to be considered contracts. Others violate public policy or have some […]
Why You Need A Skilled Attorney To Negotiate Your Contracts

Business owners and executives negotiate contracts all the time, so much so that negotiations almost become routine. However, a unique business deal or project may emerge that requires skilled negotiations to protect a party’s rights. This is where retaining a seasoned attorney to negotiate your contracts can be crucial. If you need to draft or […]
Common Contract Provisions Everyone Should Know

There are some common contract provisions that are, or should be, included in most written agreements. The language used in these provisions can vary in meaningful ways and depending on the way the provisions are drafted, they can have a significant impact on the contracting parties’ rights, risks, and remedies. There is no one-size-fits-all contract […]