Real Estate Dispute Lawyers In Westchester County NY

Real estate disputes are usually complicated in nature as they often involve multiple parties. Numerous issues can arise from such disputes, with financial harm being one of the most significant. Disputes and disagreements involving real properties normally happen between sellers and buyers, neighboring property owners, or persons who jointly own a piece of property.

In the event of a property dispute, the expert real estate dispute lawyers in Westchester County NY at Rosenbaum & Taylor can provide the necessary assistance. With our help, it becomes easier to solve even the most complicated real property disputes. Being one of the leading business law firms in Westchester County, the team of attorneys at Rosenbaum & Taylor is made up of experienced negotiators who can effectively represent clients like you in court when needed.

What Are Common Causes of Real Estate Disputes?

Situated in White Plains NY, our law firm offers assistance to clients involved in real estate disputes at all levels, from the state level to the federal level. We represent clients all over the Westchester County region. We handle all cases regardless of their complexity. While some cases involve simple disputes over real estate transactions, others are much more complicated, particularly those involving major commercial real estate deals. The following are some of the types of disputes and litigation that we deal with on a regular basis:

  • Liens or contractor disagreements
  • Constructive trusts
  • Matters involving distressed real estate or foreclosure
  • Lease disputes that involve commercial or residential properties
  • Lis Pendens
  • Ownership interests including beneficial interests
  • Construction-related issues including unexpected delays, faulty materials, and change orders
  • Contracts or actions in regards to licensing or access
  • Disagreements between co-owners
  • Declaratory judgment actions and quiet title actions
  • Breach of contract
  • Issues that can come up at closing such as title issues and difficulties securing financing.
  • Fraud or property misrepresentation
  • Failure to disclose crucial information

When dealing with real estate transaction disputes, our team of lawyers offers representation for both parties. Even though we always seek to find alternative ways of resolving these matters amicably, it is often more beneficial to take the cases to court. Our expert attorneys will help with filing or putting up a strong defense against lawsuits or obtaining injunctions while at the same time handling negotiations out of court.

Complex real estate transactions are no issue for our expert lawyers. Some of the issues that we can provide assistance with include deals that involve co-ops or condos and the structuring of commercial properties.

A couple arguing with an attorney over a real estate contract.

What Real Estate Disputes Do Lawyers Handle?

Our team of lawyers helps real estate owners with various legal issues or disputes. We endeavor to realize fast, fair and financially beneficial resolutions.

Disagreements Between Co-owners

When two parties that own a piece of property together, legal assistance is at times required. Our law firm assists with partition actions and different kinds of disputes that can arise between real estate investors, family members, and couples who have separated.

Access and License Disputes

According to Section 881 of the New York Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law, real estate owners can enter the neighboring properties as necessary to handle repairs or improvements. In some cases, disputes can arise as a result of this kind of access. We can provide legal representation to the parties on either side of the matter while working out the most favorable solution. Normally, license contracts such as these include details about the terms of accessing the property, the period of time access to the property is granted, as well as the scope of the work that requires to be done.

Issues Regarding Property Damage, and Nuisances Such as Noise-Related Issues

Disputes such as these often occur between neighbors. Adverse possession, easements, and other problems fall under this category.

We Are Experienced Real Estate Dispute Lawyers In Westchester County NY

Our committed real estate lawyers here at Rosenbaum & Taylor always have the best interests of their clients at heart. We can provide expert legal representation during negotiations, in a trial, and during an appeal. When offering legal counsel, we always take into account your personal and financial situation. We also bring to the table a more objective perspective into the disputes, while putting everything into consideration from the costs and chances of litigation to the manner in which the dispute will impact future relationships with your relatives and/or neighbors.

To schedule an appointment, you can get in touch with our New York business lawyers at (914) 326-2660 or make use of our online form.

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